To create a safe place for young adults to clear space and grow at their own pace.
At Lifesong, we want to provide the individuals at this life stage to process all the joys, struggles, and opportunities that are presented during this unique phase of life. This means allowing the room to:

Create an environment of trust & safety

Invite others to share in our journey together

Seek wisdom & counsel from the Holy Spirit
We try to gather every Friday night from 7:30-9:30pm where we can meet, hangout/fellowship, and go through a Bible study or short devotional. There will also be weeks where we just do something fun! Events such as escape rooms, dinner and movie outings, board game nights, random hikes, and night markets are all activities we've done in the past. (We're open to all ages post-college and pre-married.)
If you're interested, please email Martin Yan: myan@lifesongcc.com or fill out the form below.

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